Don't Be Afraid of Colour

Don't Be Afraid Of Colour!

Don't Be Afraid Of Colour! 

Wipe that Smudge Look Off your Face Young Lady!

"Wipe that Smudge Look off your face young lady!"
Paparazzi Smudge : Celebrities who've been caught on the smudge! 
We all hate it when our eye-liner and eye-shadow smudges down our face. Here are pictures of celebrities who i think are serial smudges!

How to Stop Your Eyes from Smudging

Do you suffer from Panda Eyes ?
How to stop your eye-shadow from smudging down your face. 

By the End of the night or even during the day at work, do you often get a scare when you catch a glimpse of your reflection and see smudges of black smeared make-up under your eyes?

How much do you hate when this happens! And why don't people tell you that you have giant black rings forming under your eyes like you're about to join the guerrilla rebels! 

Have you ever wondered how the hell to stop this! 

Well I've got a good little trick got you!  
This is a make-up Artists Secret it's such a simple and easy thing to do to stop those panda eyes from forming. 

Smudged Eyes Lindsay Lohan
Because lets face it, it's not cute when it's staring at you at 11am in the morning, when you're about to duck out and grab a quick latte from that cute coffee guy! 

I have to say that Poor old Lindsay Lohan has been looking really smudgy lately. 

She uses an eyeliner underneath her eye. Eyeliners have beeswax and botanical fats in them so that they roll onto the skin, but the problem with that is that they then smudge quicker than a powder.

 Nicole Ritchie
1. Choose a Lighter Shade Eye-shadow

Choose an eye-shadow that is one or two tones lighter than the one you've used on your lid and run it underneath the eye-line. The powder helps to absorb any excess oil. 

MAC Paint Pot "Painterly"
2. Use an Eye Primer
I can't stress this enough! 

In my opinion the best one to use is actually a MAC Paint Pot. I used so many others but this one is definitely the best, i apply it on all my bridal clients to ensure that the eye-shadow STAYS the whole night without smudging! 

It's called MAC Paint Pot and the colour i recommend is Painterly (This is a type of nude colour.)  Wether you're doing a dark eye shadow look or a light look this is an amazing product that stops the fallout, prevents any smudging and can be worn really light everyday without giving you an overdone heavy look. 

Brush Number 9 by Stilla
3. Invest in a Buffing Brush
Whenever clients say to me, "i want to buy some new brushes which ones would you recommend?" The one which i always tell my clients to buy is "The Buffing Brush".

Some Make-up artists confuse them with a "Blending Brush" but the difference is that a buffing brush is more "Fluffy" and why that's good is because the Buffing brush grinds the colour into your eyes, melting it into the skin and preventing any fallout powder from sitting on the surface of the eye which causes fallout and smudge. 

Don't Be Afraid Of Colour!

Don't Be Afraid Of Colour! 

Smokey Eye Makeup

Punched in the Face! 
Don't raise your a dark eye shadow colour too high.  

This look may work for this photograph, but in real life, one of the hardest thing to do when trying to create a smokey eye look is gauging how high from the socket your dark shadow should go.

In this picture the darkened eye shaow is raised too high.

This will make you look as though you've been punched in the face! Next thing you know people will start thinking your boyfriends taken a beating to you! The other reason why some girls can get away with a dramatised darkened socket colour is if they have really light eyes, as this model does.

So Ladies and men if you don't have eyes like Brook Shields in Blue Lagoon, then be-careful when brushing your shadow on, try not to carry the colour too high and close to the brow.

About Us

Lemon Graffiti
Not Just Makeup Artists We're Creative people. 

Creativity Can't Be Taught, It's Innate. 

If you'd like us to create your makeup for your wedding, formal or special day then send us a quick email and  we'll get back to you.

Lemon Graffiti are Sydney based Make-up Artists from Australia.